Forecast Questionnaires

Forecasting Process

  • Who on the forecasting team is responsible for pulling together the overall forecast?
  • Who are the team members involved in the forecasting process?
  • What tools are in place to develop and monitor actual results compared to the forecast?
  • What are the three to five key initiatives being implemented which will impact the forecast?
  • What are the specific timelines for delivering on these initiatives?
  • What is the biggest risk to effectively delivering on the forecast?
  • What is the biggest opportunity that can be captured in the upcoming period?
  • How does the leadership team receive feedback on the strengths or weaknesses in the forecast?

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Research & Development Forecast

  • Who on the forecasting team is responsible for tracking R&D timeline metrics?
  • What tracking tools are in place to track R&D timeline metrics?
  • What are the trigger points in the R&D timeline for telling marketing when to prepare?
  • What are the trigger points in the R&D timeline to tell sales when they can start selling?
  • What are the quantifiable ramifications to the forecast if the R&D milestones are missed?
  • How are data privacy and security concerns addressed to reduce risk to the R&D timeline?
  • How are defects in existing products addressed to reduce risk to the R&D timeline?
  • How does the R&D team receive customer feedback on the developed product?

Download PDF R & D Questionnaire

Marketing Funnel Forecast

  • Who on the forecasting team is responsible for tracking the marketing funnel metrics?
  • What tracking tools are in place to track marketing metrics?
  • What are the top three to five lead sources delivering the highest volume of leads in the forecast?
  • Which lead sources deliver the highest and lowest dollar value to customers?
  • Which lead sources deliver the highest and lowest percentage of won customers?
  • Which lead sources deliver the shortest and longest sales cycles?
  • What is the cost per lead associated with each lead source?
  • How does the marketing team receive customer feedback on alignment of marketing messaging with customer expectations?

Download PDF Marketing Funnel Questionnaire

Sales Process Forecast

  • Who on the forecasting team is responsible for tracking the sales process metrics?
  • What tracking tools are in place to track sales process metrics?
  • What are the phases in your sales process?
  • What are the specific criteria needed for a prospect to move from one phase to the next?
  • What is the overall average close rate?
  • What is the overall average sales cycle?
  • What are the seasonality assumptions, if any, in the close rate or sales cycle?
  • How are both won and lost prospects surveyed to learn and improve?

Download PDF Sales Process Questionnaire

Customer Success Forecast

  • Who on the forecasting team is responsible for tracking the customer success process metrics?
  • What tracking tools are in place to track customer success metrics?
  • How many customers are forecasted to expand in the next period, and at what dollar value?
  • How many customers are forecasted to experience contraction in the next period?
  • What will the average dollar value be for contractions per customer?
  • What are the recent historical retention rates for customer counts and dollar value?
  • What methods are used to track customer satisfaction?
  • How are lost customers surveyed to learn and improve?

Download PDF Customer Success Process Questionnaire

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